
刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
Applied Mechanics and Materials Beam Width Performance of the Adaptive Beam Former Based On Pseudo-Interference Technique 第三作者 2013/01
Applied Mechanics and Materials New Type Small-Angle Sensor Based on Multiple Total Internal Reflections and Attenuated Total Reflections in Heterodyne Interferometry 第一作者 2013/01
IET INFORMATION SECURITY Palindromic-Like Representation for Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplier over GF(2m) with Odd Type-t 第四(以上)作者 2012/12
IET INFORMATION SECURITY Low-Complexity Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplier over GF(2m) 第四(以上)作者 2012/12
ADVANCES IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS Applying a Self-Made Automobile Heterodyne Interferometer to Measure the Parameters of Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal 第一作者 2012/10
SENSORS Efficient k-Winner-Take-All Competitive Learning Hardware Architecture for On-Chip Learning 第一作者 2012/09
Advanced Materials Research Wavelength Division Multiplexer based on Periodic Dielectric Waveguide Ring Resonator 第三作者 2012/07
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS An Analysis of ECG for Determining Heartbeat Case by Using the Principal Component Analysis and Fuzzy Logic 第一作者 2012/06
SENSOR LETTERS A Study of Controlling Color Mixing of Red, Green, and Blue LEDs Based on Photometry Theory 第四(以上)作者 2012/05
SENSOR LETTERS A Study of Controlling Color Mixing of Red, Green, and Blue LEDs Based on Photometry Theory 第一作者 2012/05